23 January, 2007

Bergen in the old old days

I found this picture, it's of Bergen many 100 years ago


--_-- said...

Great Pic! Seems like a resort :)
Lovely indeed


Love the pictures, How's the winter been ?

My life in bergen said...

Hi Myra and Colorado Bob

Yes it's really a nice picture, same place but so different from today.

The winter finally came, after 85 days with rain and bed weather the snow came.
The weather is still the same but it's snow instead of rain..

I will try to put some posts and pictures in to the blog, but I've started school beside of work and it's taken almost all time.

--_-- said...

Wish you all the best in everything you do, But still don't want you to forget about posting us the pix, really waiting for them! :)