05 January, 2009

New year and new postings

This morning it was really cold.. 
Depending on where you are in the world the meaning about whats cold vary.An example could be far up north of Norway where -8 is something they some time experience in the spring, winter can in the extreme go below -50 (we are not talking about Fahrenheit but Celsius.)but her at the cost in Bergen with high moist in the air, -8 it's allot.
so cold 
This is the view outside our window, this evening. it's snowing and together with the street light, it looks pretty nice.
 Snow in the city 
Some days ago, at one of city walks i found this one..
Santa do a special delivery...
 Santa do a special delivery

At the end.

Norwegian news in English

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 bskaad (my.life.in.bergen@gmail.com). All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing


Richard said...

Come on! On New Year Nite were i was the temperature was minus 14 C ...

My life in bergen said...

Hi Richard..

I know I'm a sissy, but we are not used to that low temp.. It usually don't go below -3 :-)

Unknown said...

Well, it's about 28 degrees here today, the sun is shining, the sky only has a few clouds... Shall I send you some summer? :-)

Helena said...

Hi, wish the previous post would send some spring my way....last week with the wind temperture it was like -20 below 0...if I am not in direct heat I am always chilled...Dressing in so much layers I wonder how they do it at that artic...Brrrr. Happy new Year my friend. Your picture out your window looks so nice and cozy.