31 January, 2008

Bergen in 3D

The local newspaper BA had this one in the news yesterday. Its a pretty nice thing this video, and it will take you around in bergen and to the seven mountains around Bergen.


Have fun


Helena said...

I loved the 3-D clip! It started out classical and ended in Rapp. Seeing the sites and seanery was very cool. I didn't realize how mountanous Norway is. I love that it is a seacoastal paradise! Hope you had a great weekend. When is the due date for the little bskaad to arrive...Soon?

My life in bergen said...

The music was the city song, in original and new version. Norway is allot of mountains, if you take a look at this link http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/01/01/areal_en/kart02-bosetting-en.jpg you can see where people lives.
It's getting closer, the princes is suppose to come in late may